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Serpyllum, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze - 2022

Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium

Serpyllum, a Wildflower Fields painting

Serpyllum is a plant that is tough & hardy and can tolerate heavy winds and air pollution. Serpyllum, with its beautiful purple-pink colour, is a lure for bees and butterflies.

For Arne Quinze, the duality of nature is something that moves him deeply. Plants such as Serpyllum look so elegant and delicate, but at the same time they brave hellish weather conditions. The duality of nature lies in the fragility of nature's force and in the force of nature's fragility.

Serpyllum, a Wildflower Fields painting, 2 x 3 m, oil paint on canvas

Serpyllum, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze

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